Our Philosophy
Our Past
Children bring with them a unique mana gifted to them by their heritage, culture, and whanau. The foundation of our value is at Super Kidz, every individual’s culture background is protected, cherished, and respected. Children are secure in their identity within Aotearoa’s dual heritage. Kaiako and whanau work in partnership with the wider community to provide children with authentic opportunities to participate in rich and culturally meaningful experiences.
Living In the Present
The first 5 years of life is the most critical period in shaping a human being’s character, dispositions, and life skills. Here at Super Kidz, our kaiako value their time with children as a gift, and honour it by being fully present in mind, body, and spirit. Where aroha (love/empathy) abounds, tamariki feel a sense of freedom to immerse in and experience the joy of meaningful play. We celebrate the magic of play, concepts of problem-solving, inquiring/questioning, communicating, reasoning and imagination are fostered through play-this is how we ensure tamariki develop a deep love for life-long learning.
Ready for The Future
At Super Kidz, we empower our tamariki by immersing them in rich learning environments and experiences that encourage their self-agency, build on their resilience, and forge their strength of spirit! From infancy, our tamariki are encouraged to perceive themselves as competent individuals and to exercise their will by being active contributors to their own learning. As our tamariki move forward into the future, they are holistically equipped to take on the challenges, not only of schooling, but more importantly of life itself!